Retail Rack Dictionary M-N

A  | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M-N | P | R | S | T-V | W-Z

  • M-Divider

    72 high M Dividers e1344905123545(m-bar, m-rod) An accessory that has tubing formed into the shape of an “M” with brackets that attach to rear beams. M-Dividers are used to separate large product such as windows, doors, moulding, etc.

    36 High M Dividers e1344905136188M Dividers e1344905324963

  • Mill Line

    A set up of machinery in a manufacturing plant which forms and produces parts from coils of steel. ex.: Beam mill is a continuous run of rolls which form a beam into its final shape.

  • Nuts and Bolts

    thm Anchor BoltBarrel Bolt e1344905196581Hardware needed for installation of beams, uprights and accessories.

    Grade 5 Bolt e1344902768919 Carriage Bolt e1344785318783

  • Nominal Dimension

    General expression which is used to describe a part that is not precise. For example, a part that is 2.95″ may be called by a nominal dimension of 3″.

A  | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I-J | K-L | M-N | P | R | S | T-V | W-Z

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