Hammer Holder
A bracket which has two round tubular arms welded to the front to hold hammers. One arm is shorter than the other to allow a slot to slide hammers on for display.
Nuts and bolts needed for installation of a beam, upright or accessory. UNARCO can supply a full line of grade 5 and above hardware especially designed for any pallet rack connection.
Heavy Duty Frame
Frame consisting of heavy gauge steel columns that are 3" x 3".
Frames capacities and durability can be increased by adding double columns, heavy bracing or even setting the front leg back on the frame to get it out of the aisle an away from forklift abuse.
Hook and Saddle
An accessory that attaches to the column protector to hold a 2×8 board that keeps bagged goods from spilling into the aisle.
The bracing of an upright that runs from front to back.
Hot Dipped Galvanized
(galvanized, galv) A process of taking unpainted rack parts and dipping them into a tank of hot zinc (over 800 degrees) to provide a durable zinc coating. Galvanized racking is used in the garden center and outdoor storage area because it is weather resistant.